The Dragon Reborn - Review
The Dragon Reborn (Book 3) is a good entry in The Wheel of Time series. It was a slower-paced book focusing on character development and world-building but it ends with a jaw-dropping finale. It was a risky move for Robert Jordan to spend almost an entire book away from the main protagonist (Rand) but he executed it wonderfully. Robert Jordan’s prose also went to another level in this book. There were so many beautiful passages throughout the book, especially near the end. The character development and world-building continues to be excellent. This almost feels like the ending to a trilogy but it definitely concludes the first act of this massive series and sets up for some exciting storylines. My last review was stupendously long so I’ll try to keep this one short. This review will have light spoilers and will be covered in 4 sections. Characters, Plot, Setting/World-Building, & Pacing. Image: Egwene al'Vere. [Characters]: Rand takes a backseat in this book an...