A Crown of Swords - Review
A Crown of Swords (Book 7) is a much better book than I expected it to be. It definitely shouldn’t belong in what the fandom call “The Slog”. I put it more on tier with Books 4, 5, & 6. This book felt like Lord of Chaos: Part 2 because it’s more of a continuation from the unresolved plot threads from the previous book such as Rand’s impending war with Sammael in Illian and the search for the Bowl of the Winds in Ebou Dar. It has a much more smaller-scaled and personal ending compared to the grandeur of a big battle like Dumai’s Wells because it’s a more character-oriented book rather than a plot-oriented one but I enjoyed this change of tone and there were still plenty of memorable scenes throughout the book. This will be a non-spoiler review, although I do mention some events that happen very early on in the book. The review will be covered in 5 sections: Characters, Plot, Setting/World-Building, Pacing, & my final thoughts along with an...